Wu, Tsung Chiang
Associate Professor
Office: Engineering 111
Tel: 886-82-313518
Cell: 886-958638975
E-mail: tsung_chiang@nqu.edu.tw
Ph.D. Department of Soil and Water Conservation, National Chung Hing University, 2007.
MS. Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 1995.
BS. Department of Surveying Engineering, National Defense University, Taiwan, 1988.
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Engineering Management, National Quemoy University, Taiwan.
Visiting scholar, Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Engineering Management, National Quemoy University, Taiwan.
Lecturer, Feng Chia University, Taiwan.
Engineering officer, Combined Logistics Command, Taiwan.
Surveying officer, Combined Logistics Command, Taiwan.
Research Interests:
GPS、GIS、RS、3D Laser Scanner, Disaster Prevention Integration Application, Cultural Heritage Preservation and Destruction Detection, 3D Digit Conservation and Display Technology, Engineering Surveying, Soil and Water Conservation.
Course Taught:
Engineering Surveying, GPS、GIS、RS、3D Laser Scanner, Disaster Prevention Integration Application.
Journal papers
Author | Year | Publication | Index |
吳宗江、陳素嬌、許春祥 | 2012 | 應用三維雷射掃瞄技術輔助火場重建,消防月刊9期,54-59頁 | |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang | 2012 | Improve Space Positioning Recognition of laser marker to promote the operating efficiency of Ground LiDAR-A case of FARO Photon 120, Optics and Lasers in Engineering , Vol. 50, pp731~735. | SCI |
Chen, Tung-Tsan, Tsung-Chiang Wu | 2012 | Construction Project Partnering Using Fuzzy Based Decision Making Methodology, Vol. 35 of the Journal of the Chinese Institute. | SCI |
Yi-Chun Lin, Min-Fu Hsu, Tsung-Chiang Wu | 2012 | A Preliminary Study on Tangshan Chinese Carpenters’ Migratory Routes in Taiwan During the Japanese period (1910~1928): Using Xidi Carpenters from Quanzhou County as Case Study, Vol. 11 of the Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. | A&HCI, SCI |
Yi-Chun Lin, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Min-Fu Hsu, Li-Ya Huang | 2012 | The Virtual History of Tourism—From the Remnants of Life Penghu Hua-Zai Village, Heritage tourism, Sustainable Tourism V:381-392, Edited by F.D.Pineda & C.A. Brebbia, WIT press. ,ISBN:978-1-84564-594-6 | |
Lin,Yi-Chun, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Min-Fu Hsu | 2013 | 3D Digital Simulation of Minnan Temple Architecture Caisson’s Craft Techniques, XXIV International CIPA Symposium, Strasbourg, 2-6 September, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W2, 403-408, 2013. ISSN:1682-1750 | |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang , Yi-Chun, Lin, Min-Fu Hsu | 2013 | Improving Traditional Building Repair Construction Quality Using Historic Building Information Modeling Concept, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W2, 691-694, 2013, ISSN:1682-1750 | |
吳宗江、張任強 | 2014 | 船舶火災情境模擬之研究-以金廈小三通船型為例,2014第十二屆危機管理研討會論文集,2014年5月9日,ISBN:978-986-89464-3-9。 | |
吳宗江、許景甫、張凱戎 | 2014 | 以FDS進行古蹟消防設施最適切佈設評估-以金門模範街區為例,2014第十二屆危機管理研討會論文集2014年5月9日,ISBN:978-986-89464-3-9。 | |
Tseng, Yi-Jen, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Sheng-Fa Hsu | 2014 | Integrated Application of Digital Technologies for Transmitting Values of Cultural Heritage in Remote Mountains, EUROMED 2014 – International Conference on Cultural Heritage, Cyprus, November, 3-8, 2014, Digital Heritage, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS 8740), pp482~489, ISSN:0302-9743. | SCI |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang , Yi-Chun Lin , and Min-Fu Hsu | 2015 | A study of 3D modeling for conservation work of large-scale industrial heritage structures: Using the south chimney of Taiwan Tile Corporation’s Takao factory as a case study, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. vol.14, No.1, pp153~158 | A&HCI, SCI |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang , Yi-Chun Lin , and Min-Fu Hsu | 2015 | A Research of Digital Conservation for Larger Area Heritage sets by Integrating Geomatics and SfM ─ A Case Study of Kinmen the Ming Heritage Street, pp.187~204,The 6th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2015, Taipei, November 30~ December 1, 2015. | |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang | 2016 | A Study of 3D Digital Simulation Analysis of Fire Charring Degree of Wood Construction of Chinese Traditional Architecture, Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, Volume 10058 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.209-216, Date: 31 October 2016. (ISBN:978-3-319-48495-2) | SCI |
許景甫、陳火炎、吳宗江、陳煜文 | 2017 | 無人飛行採具應用於消防搶救山林火災之應用,中央警察大學災害防救學報第18卷。 | |
吳宗江 | 2018 | 古蹟石材影像辨識系統開發研究,文化資產保存學刊,第43期,頁7-18。 | |
Tsung Chiang Wu, Yu Wei Chang | 2018 | Study of Using Sfm to Improve Digital Archives Integrity of Traditional Architectures with 3D Laser Scanning Technology, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), vol. 15, no. 4, 2018, pp. 01-07. |
Conference papers
Author | Year | Publication | Conference |
吳宗江、蔡建隆 | 2012 | 三維街廓模型之精準度對於火災模擬影響之研究 | 2012第十屆危機管理研討會,新竹 |
吳宗江、陳素嬌 | 2012 | 應用三維雷射掃瞄技術輔助火場重建可行性之研究 | 2012第十屆危機管理研討會,新竹 |
吳宗江,曾欣郁 | 2012 | 應用三維雷射掃瞄技術於灰泥壁畫破壞偵測之研究 | 2012土木與生態工程研討會,高雄 |
施宇鴻、吳宗江 | 2012 | 地面光達掃瞄作業高效益規劃之研究-以建築物為例 | 2012第31屆測量及空間資訊學術研討會,台北 |
吳宗江 | 2012 | 三維點雲模型之數位加值應用-以金門風獅爺為例 | 2012數位典藏暨地理資訊研討會,台北 |
Wu, Tsung-Chiang, Chia-Ju Lin | 2012 | Investigate Effective Factors for System Errors of Multiple Scanning Overlay Analysis Mode-A Case of Slope Monitoring | The 8th Taipei International Digital Earth Symposium (TIDES 2012), Taipei |
Lin,Yi-Chun, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Min-Fu Hsu | 2012 | An Overview on 3D Digital Preservation of Tangible Cultural Assets and Heritage of Techniques: Using Hakka Historic Buildings in Taiwan as Examples | 2012 PNC Annual Joint Conference, USA |
吳宗江、陳偉倫 | 2013 | 整合三維雷射掃瞄技術與 3D GIS 平台建置歷史建築資訊模型(HBIM)可行性之研究 | 2013工程永續與土木防災研討會,高雄 |
吳宗江 | 2014 | 台灣傳統建築木構造圓形柱體非接觸式三維變形偵測之研究 | 第十四屆文化山海觀文化資產學術研討會,雲林 |
Yi-Jen Tseng, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Sheng-Fa Hsu, Yeh-Jung Kao | 2014 | 3D Laser Scanning Data Collection of Wan-Shan Petroglyphs | Taiwan 2014 International Rock Art Congress, China |
吳宗江 | 2015 | 空間資訊技術於遺址空間功能形塑之研究 | 臺灣人類學與民族學學會(TSAE)暨東亞人類學學會(EAAA)-2015聯合年會,台北 |
曾啟貴、吳宗江 | 2016 | 地下構造物對於土地利用影響之研究評估-以 古寧頭戰史館坑道為例 | 第35屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨國土測繪成果發表會,台北 |
黃文萱、陳冠瑋、胡琮琛、吳宗江 | 2016 | 3D虛擬空間建置模式適用性之研究評估 | 第35屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨國土測繪成果發表會,台北 |
Yu Wei Chang, Tsung Chiang Wu | 2017 | Study on SfM Technology in Enhancing Integrity of Historical Architecture Digitalization | The 4th International Congress On Technology-1, KL, Malaysia |
Yu Wen, Chena, Tsung Chiang Wu | 2017 | Study on Updating Topographic Map Data in Real Time with UAV Technology | The 4th International Congress On Technology-1, KL, Malaysia |
Author | Year | Publication | Patent No. |
王隆昌、吳宗江 | 2012 | 結合座標及識別資訊技術於古蹟文物之重建、維護方法 | 證書號碼:I359382,中華民國 |
林宜君、吳宗江,徐明福 | 2013 | 中國傳統建築木構架之數位丈篙重建方法 | 證書號碼:I385551,中華民國 |
林宜君、吳宗江,徐明福 | 2013 | 中國傳統建築木構架之數位丈篙重建裝置 | 證書號碼:I384380,中華民國 |
吳宗江 | 2013 | 立體點雲結構化之方法 | 證書號碼:I401459,中華民國 |
吳宗江、姚良居 | 2013 | 射掃描資料處理方法 | 證書號碼:I415009,中華民國 |
徐明福、吳宗江、林宜君 | 2014 | 共軛球與測量標相互配合的系統及測量標 | 證書號碼:I476369,中華民國 |
徐明福、吳宗江、林宜君、曾欣郁 | 2016 | 灰泥壁畫三維雷射掃瞄破壞偵測方法 | 證書號碼:I566207,中華民國 |
吳宗江 | 2017 | 利用三維擬真火災模擬分析木構物炭化深度方法 | 證書號碼:I604408,中華民國 |
吳宗江 | 2018 | 古蹟石材影像辨識方法 | 證書號碼:I639138,中華民國 |
Research Projects:
年度 | 研究計畫名稱 |
97 | 以非接觸式三維量測技術偵測裸露坡地地潛勢地滑之研究(97-2218-E-507-003-) |
99 | 典藏金門戰地文化-坑道3D數位化與展示 (99-2631-H-507-001-) |
99 | 應用三維點雲資料進行傳統建築灰泥壁畫破壞偵測技術開發 (99-2622-H-507-001-CC3) |
100 | 整合數位技術與模糊群聚理論進行古蹟建築模擬復原之研究-以國定古蹟台灣煉瓦會社打狗工廠為例 (100-2410-H-507-009-) |
100 | 金門風獅爺辟邪文化之典藏與展示 (100-2631-H-507-001-) |
101 | 歷史老街火災模擬與消防策略研擬之研究─以金門明遺老街為例(101-2410-H-507-011) |
102 | 小型島嶼脆弱度分析與永續規劃研究-空間資訊研究(I)( 102-2621-M-507-00) |
103 | 小型島嶼脆弱度分析與永續規劃研究-空間資訊研究(II) (103-2621-M-507 -003 -) |
103 | 應用三維擬真火災模擬技術分析古蹟木構探化程度之研究(103-2410-H-507 -006 -) |
104 | 空載光達資料應用於部落遺址空間探勘與環境模擬可行性之研究(104-2410-H-507-005-) |
105 | 總計畫:金門古蹟風險分級、性能評定及監測管理之研究 暨 子計畫一:金門古蹟風險分級、性能評定及監測管理之研究-人為因子議題(105-2410-H-507-004-) |
106 | 整合3D虛擬技術於古蹟耐用性年數推估之研究-以金門官澳龍鳳宮為例(106-2410-H-507-008-) |
107 | 應用數位方法復原灰泥壁畫空間位置之研究-以金門官澳龍鳳宮林天助作品為例(107-2622-H-507-001-CC3) |
- 國立金門大學研究傑出表現獎(2010)
- 國立金門大學教學傑出表現獎(2011)
- 2012土木與生態工程研討會最佳論文獎(2012)
- Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.(A&HCI, SCI)2012年最佳論文獎
- 國立金門大學傑出貢獻獎(2014)
- 國立金門大學優良教學獎(2015)
- 國立金門大學優良教學獎(2016)
- 國立金門大學傑出貢獻獎(2017)
- 國立金門大學傑出貢獻獎(2018)