Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Management had been evolved into a vibrant and prestigious educational institute. The department embraces progress and self-awareness therefore the course topology reflects these values. The course structure mainly consists of 6 professional areas. The 6 areas and their major courses are as follows.
Calculus (I)(II), Engineering Mathematics (I)(II), Engineering Statistics.
2.Mechanics and Structure Engineering:
Engineering Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Theory of Structures (I)(II), Reinforced Concrete (I)(II).
Soil Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Foundation Engineering.
4.Computer and Survey:
Engineering Surveying, Engineering Graphics(I)(II), Building Information Modeling, Computer Programming, Geographic Information System, Artificial Intelligence.
Construction Management, Specification and Contract, Engineering Cost Estimating with Practice, Quality Management in Engineering, Operations Planning and Engineering Quality Management.
Applied Ecology, Landscape Ecology, Road Ecology, Island Studies.
List of courses
Year | Required/Optional | 課程 | Course |
1 | R | 工程力學 | Engineering mechanics |
1 | R | 工程圖學(一) | Engineering Graphics(I) |
1 | R | 測量實習 | Practice of Surveying |
1 | R | 測量學 | Eementary surveying |
1 | R | 微積分(一) | Calculus I |
1 | R | 微積分(二) | Calculus II |
1 | O | 土木工程概論 | Itroduction of civil engineering |
1 | O | 工程測量 | Engineering Surveying |
1 | O | 工程圖學(二) | Engineering Graphics(II) |
1 | O | 應用生態學 | Applied Ecology |
2 | R | 工程材料 | Engineering Materials |
2 | R | 材料力學 | Mechanics of Materials |
2 | R | 土壤力學 | Soil Mechanics |
2 | R | 土壤力學試驗 | Soil Mechanics Test |
2 | R | 工程地質學 | Engineering Geology |
2 | R | 工程數學(一) | Engineering Mathematics I |
2 | R | 流體力學 | Fluid mechanics |
2 | R | 混凝土試驗 | Concrete Testing |
2 | R | 結構學(一) | Theory of Structures(I) |
2 | O | 工程倫理 | Engineering Ethics |
2 | O | 工程數學(二) | Engineering Mathematics II |
2 | O | 全球衛星定位系統 | Global Positioning System |
2 | O | 施工機械 | Construction Equipment |
2 | O | 混凝土品質控制 | Concrete Quality Control |
2 | O | 結構系統概論 | Introdnction to Structural System |
2 | O | 鋼結構設計 | Steel Design |
3 | R | 工程估價與實習 | Engineering Cost Estimating with Practice |
3 | R | 契約與規範 | Specification and Contract |
3 | R | 基礎工程 | Foundation Engineering |
3 | R | 鋼筋混凝土(一) | Reinforced Concrete(I) |
3 | R | 鋼筋混凝土(二) | Reinforced Concrete(II) |
3 | R | 營建管理 | Construction Management |
3 | O | 地理資訊系統概論 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |
3 | O | 地理資訊系統實務應用 | Applications of Geographic Information System |
3 | O | 專案管理概論 | Introduction to Project Management |
3 | O | 運輸工程 | Tansportation engineering |
3 | O | 施工計劃與管理 | Construction planning and management |
3 | O | 工程財務管理 | Engineering Finance Management |
3 | O | 工程財務管理 | Engineering Finance Management |
3 | O | 工程統計 | Engineering Statistics |
3 | O | 工程經濟 | Engineering Economics |
3 | O | 地震工程概論 | Introduction to Earthquake Engineering |
3 | O | 我國空間資訊基礎建設與GIS產業發展 | The Development of Spatial Data Infrastructure and GIS Industry in Taiwan |
3 | O | 防災概論 | Introduction to Disaster Prevention |
3 | O | 坡地開發工程 | Hillside Developing Engineering |
3 | O | 建築施工(一) | Building Construction(I) |
3 | O | 建築施工(二) | Building Construction(II) |
3 | O | 建築資訊模型 | Building information modeling |
3 | O | 建築資訊模型專案 | Building information modeling project |
3 | O | 施工法(一) | Construction Technique(I) |
3 | O | 施工法(二) | Construction Technique(II) |
3 | O | 景觀生態學 | Landscape Ecology |
3 | O | 測量平差法 | Error Adiustment of Surveying |
3 | O | 結構力學試驗 | Structural Mechanics Test |
3 | O | 結構矩陣分析 | Matrix Analysis of Structures |
3 | O | 結構學(二) | Theory of Structures(II) |
3 | O | 道路生態學 | Road Ecology |
3 | O | 監工實務 | Professional Skills for Construction Inspection |
3 | O | 價值工程 | Value Engineering |
3 | O | 隧道工程 | Tunnel Engineering |
3 | O | 營建自動化 | Construction Automation |
4 | R | 工程品質管理 | Quality Management in Engineering |
4 | R | 施工計畫與工程品質管理 | Operations Planning and Engineering Quality Management |
4 | O | 下水道修繕管理 | Sewerage Rehabilitation and Management |
4 | O | 下水道修繕管理 | Sewerage Rehabilitation and Management |
4 | O | 土木工程實務 | Civil Engineering Practice |
4 | O | 土地法規與地籍測量 | Land Laws and Cadastral Surveying |
4 | O | 大地工程個案分析 | Geotechnical Eengineering Case Study |
4 | O | 工程職場實習(一) | Engineering Practice(I) |
4 | O | 工程職場實習(二) | Engineering Practice(II) |
4 | O | 中等土壤力學 | Intermediate Soil Mechanics |
4 | O | 水文學 | Hydrology |
4 | O | 水利工程 | Water Resources Engineering |
4 | O | 生態工程 | Ecological Engineering |
4 | O | 有限元素 | Finite Element Method |
4 | O | 初等結構動力學 | Dynamics of Structures |
4 | O | 初等結構動力學 | Dynamics of Structures |
4 | O | 岩石力學 | Rock Mechanics |
4 | O | 岩石力學概論 | Introduction to Rock Mechamics |
4 | O | 房屋結構設計 | Structural Design of Buildings |
4 | O | 空間資訊基礎建設專案規劃理論與實務 | Basic Construction Case Planning about Space |
4 | O | 計算機在土木工程之應用 | Computer Application in Civil Engineering |
4 | O | 軌道工程 | Engineering of Track |
4 | O | 風險管理 | Risk Management |
4 | O | 航空攝影測量 | Photogrammetry |
4 | O | 高等鋼筋混凝土學 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
4 | O | 高等鋼筋混凝土學 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete |
4 | O | 基礎施工 | Foundation Construction |
4 | O | 基礎設計 | Foundation Design |
4 | O | 都市土木 | Urban Civil Engineering |
4 | O | 勞工安全衛生 | Labor Safety and Health |
4 | O | 結構矩陣分析特論 | advanced matrix structural analysis |
4 | O | 結構矩陣分析特論 | advanced matrix structural analysis |
4 | O | 結構動力學 | Dynamics of Structures |
4 | O | 預力混凝土 | Prestressed Concrete Design |
4 | O | 實驗動力學 | Experimental Dynamics |
4 | O | 實驗動力學 | Experimental Dynamics |
4 | O | 遙感探測 | Remote Sensing |
4 | O | 價值管理 | Value Management |
4 | O | 潛盾施工 | Shield Tunneling |
4 | O | 橋樑工程 | Bridge Engineering |
4 | O | 橋樑工程特論 | Special Topics of Bridge Engineering |
G1 | R | 專題討論(一) | Seminar(I) |
G1 | R | 專題討論(二) | Seminar(II) |
G1 | O | 古蹟結構特論 | Historic Relics Safety |
G1 | O | 決策分析 | Decision Analysis |
G1 | O | 系統創新特論 | Systems Innovation topics |
G1 | O | 防災專論 | Special Topics of Disaster Prevention |
G1 | O | 防災實務 | Pratical Disaster Prevention |
G1 | O | 防震新科技 | New Technologies in Seismic Engineering |
G1 | O | 岩石工程 | Rock Engineering |
G1 | O | 板殼結構設計 | Dgn of plate and shell structures |
G1 | O | 空間資訊系統實務應用 | Practice and application of Geomaties |
G1 | O | 空間資訊特論 | Advances in Geomatics |
G1 | O | 城鄉防災 | Rural-Urban Disaster Prevention |
G1 | O | 耐震設計 | Seismic design |
G1 | O | 島嶼研究 | Island Studies |
G1 | O | 島嶼專論 | Island Monograph |
G1 | O | 高等土壤力學 | Advanced Soil Mechanics |
G1 | O | 專案管理 | Project Management |
G1 | O | 專題討論(一) | Seminar(I) |
G1 | O | 專題討論(二) | Seminar(II) |
G1 | O | 斜張橋 | Cable-Stayed Bridge |
G1 | O | 結構防震系統 | Earthquake Protective Science and Technology |
G1 | O | 資料探勘 | Data Exploration |
G1 | O | 遙感探測特論 | Special topics in remote sensing |
G1 | O | 彈性力學 | Elasticity |
G1 | O | 影像處理與分析 | Image Processing and Analysis |
G1 | O | 震災與防災 | Earthquake and Disaster Prevention |
G1 | O | 應用土壤力學 | Application of soil mechanics |
G2 | R | 專題討論(三) | Seminar(III) |
G2 | R | 專題討論(四) | Seminar(IV) |
G2 | R | 學位論文 | Thesis |
G2 | O | 論文寫作 | Thesis Writing |