Tung-Tsan Chen
Professor and Chairperson
Office: Engineering 109
Tel: 886-82-313516
Fax: 886-82-313528
Cell: 886-931445596
E-mail: tungtsan@nqu.edu.tw
Ph.D. Graduate School of Science and Engineering Technology, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan, 2007.
MS. Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 1991.
BS. . Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 1981.
Engineer, Changyi Construction Co., Ltd.
Deputy Manager, Guan Yu Construction Co., Ltd.
Assistant Trainer, Central District Vocational Training Center, Vocational Training Bureau of Ministry of labor.
Assistant General Manager, Huayang Construction Co., Ltd.
Associate General Manager, Gao Li Construction Co., Ltd.
Research Interests:
Construction management, Construction of occupational disasters and safety management, Value engineering, Project management, Construction partnership, engineering materials, engineering statistics, Bayesian network.
Course Taught:
Construction management, Engineering ethics, Innovation management,
Introduction to project management, Engineering Cost Estimating with Practice, Engineering materials, Theory of structures.
Journal papers
Author | Year | Publication | Index |
Tung-Tsan Chen* | 2017 | Factors in Bridge Failure, Inspection, and Maintenance.” ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, SCI. Volume31, Issue 5 , October 2017, | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Chien-Chih Wang, B.C. Benson Hsiung, Her-Yung Wang | 2017 | Seven-day test result assessment of the developed strength in composite cement mortar with slag,” Construction and Building Materials, Construction and Building Materials 152 (2017) 587–597, SCI , | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Tung-Ching Su* | 2017 | Fuzzy-based decision- making applied to performance evaluation in value engineering.” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers VOL.40, NO. 3, 200–206 (2017) pp200-206. SCI. | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen1* Chih-Hui Wang 2 | 2017 | Fall Risk Assessment of Bridge Construction Using Bayesian Network Transferring from Fault Tree Analysis” Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, SCIE. Volume 23, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 273-282., | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen*, Yao T. Hsu, Yin-Chun Hung | 2016 | , Feasibility Analysis for the Ecological Sustainability of the Engineering Construction of an Expressway , Geo-China 2016 GSP 268, pp32-39, EI. | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen*, Chien Lu, | 2016 | An Exploration of the Water Poverty Index in Kinmen” Architectural, Energy and Information Engineering, (2016.01) pp,59~64, EI | EI |
H.Y. Wang, T.T. Chen 2*, J.N. Chang, | 2015 | Engineering properties of the pozzolanic materials concrete (PMC) in a hotspring environment”, Materials Research Innovations, Print ISSN: 1432-8917 and Online ISSN: 1433-075X, SCIE, EI, 2015/12( Volume 19, Issue S10) | SCIE, EI, |
Tung-Tsan Chen*, Cheng-Shih Lin | 2015 | Study on partnering critical factors for construction industry in Taiwan, Environment, Energy and Applied Technology, Vol.01( 2015/01) pp, 879~884 ISBN: 978-1-138-02691-9 (EI) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen*, Cheng-Shih Lin, | 2014 | Research on the Key to a Successful Construction Special Project-Factor Analysis and Multiple Regressions” Advanced Materials Research Vols 1006-1007. pp 1139-1142. (EI) ) (2014/8/13) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen,; Sou-Sen Leu | 2014 | FALL RISK ASSESSMENT OF CANTILEVER BRIDGE PROJECTS USING BAYESIAN NETWORK,Safety Science, Volume70, December/2014, pp.161-171, ISSN: 0925-7535, if=1.672 | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, C.C. Wang | 2014 | Falling Risk Assessment of Advanced Shoring Method Bridge Construction Projects” Design, Construction, and Maintenance of Bridges, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.251, July 20-22, 2014, pp.14-21. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1359-3) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2014 | Study on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel Bridges for Life-Cycle Cost Model” Recent Advances in Material, Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation in Foundation and Bridge Engineering , ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.253, July 20-22, 2014, pp.141-149. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1359-3) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2014 | Study on Highway Construction Lead to the National Compensation” Application of Nanotechnology in Pavements, Geological Disasters, and Foundation Settlement Control Technology, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.244, July 20-22, 2014, pp.46-53. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1359-3) | EI |
C.C. Wang, T.T Chen, H.Y. Wang, and Chi Huang | A predictive model for compressive strength of waste LCD glass concrete by nonlinear-multivariate regression” Computers and Concrete, Vol.13, No.4 (April, 2014) pp309-323 (SCIE) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12989/cac.2014.13.4.309, ISSN: 1598-8198 | SCIE | |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Wei Tong Chen | 2014 | Construction site layout using genetic algorithms”, Environment, Energy and Sustainable Development, Vol.2( 2014/Jan) pp 789-793, (EI) ISBN print 978-1-138-00051-3 (Vol.2) | EI |
陳棟燦、陳文傑、林昕穎 | 2014 | 「價值工程研析-以金門FRP候車亭新建工程為 例」,價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT) 第二十一期,第18~48頁。 | |
Wei Tong Chen, Tung-Tsan Chen, Shu-Shen Liu, and Chun Sheng Lu | 2012 | Analyzing Relationships among Success Variables of Construction Partnering Using Structural Equation Modeling: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Construction Industry,” Journal of Civil Engineers and Management, 2012 November, Volume 18(6): pp783–794 (SCI) Print ISSN: 1392-3730Online ISSN: 1822-3605 | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, a, Yao T. Hsub | 2012 | Mountain roads design using ecological engineering methods and traditional engineering methods comparison study”Applied Mechanics and Materials, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2012 (ICETI2012) November 02-06, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen,Cheng-Shih Lin,Tsen-I Kuo | 2012 | The Comparison between Ecological Engineering Method and Conventional Engineering Method for the Mountain Area Roadway Design” Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 178-181 (May, 2012) ,pp 1352-1356 ( ISSN: 1662-7482) | EI |
Her-Yung Wang, Tung-Tsan Chen | 2012 | Feasibility Study of Using Desulphurization Slag as Binder Material for Concrete Mixing” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 476-478, 2012/Feb, pp 1665-1668. (ISBN: 978-3-03785-371-9). Online available since 2012/Feb/27 at ww.scientific.net. | EI |
Her-Yung Wang, Tung-Tsan Chen, Chia-Sheng Hsieh | 2012 | A Study on Engineering Properties of Self – Compacting Concrete Containing Waste LCD Glass” Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 476-478, 2012/Feb, pp 2009-2013. (ISBN: 978-3-03785-371-9). Online available since 2012/Feb/27 at ww.scientific.net. | EI |
陳棟燦、翁嘉聖 | 2012 | 「建築物室外景觀地坪鋪面規劃設計應用價值工程研析」, 價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT) 第十九期,第27~34頁。 | |
Chen, T.T., Wu T. C. | 2012 | Construction Project Partnering Using Fuzzy Based Decision Making Methodology” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 3, April 2012, pp. 269-284. (SCI) (ISSN: 0253-3839print) (ISSN: 2158-7299online) | SCI |
Tsen-I Kuo, Cheng-Shih Lin, Tung-Tsan Chen, Hsin-Hua Hung | 2011 | Control Chart for Monitoring Dependent Binomial Processes” Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Dec-06-09, 2011, pp. 1335-1337, Singapore, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP11IEI-USB, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0738-4. (267-345) | EI |
T. T. Chen, T. I. Kuo, C. S. Lin | 2011 | Value Engineering Applied at the Construction Planning Stage” Proceedings 2011 IEEE 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM 2011), September 3, 2011 . | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2011 | The Research on the Operating Performance Assessment for the Automatic Incident Detection System of the Highway Tunnel -As an Example of Ba- Guah Mountain Tunnel in Taiwan” Tunnel Management, Emerging Technologies, and Innovation, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.221, June 9-11, 2011, pp.40-47. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1174-2) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2011 | A Study of Defective Roadway Infrastructure Leading to Government Compensation” Instrumentation, Testing, and Modeling of Soil and Rock Behavior, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.222, June 9-11, 2011, pp.313-321. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1174-2) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2011 | Assessment of Value Engineering Applied to the Study of Transportation Infrastructure – An example of the construction of second round collector roads in Taipei Harbor” Road Materials and New Innovations in Pavement Engineering, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.223, June 9-11, 2011, pp.160-169. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1174-2) | EI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Yao T. Hsu | 2011 | An Economic Analysis of Constructing an Additional Ramp Along the Existing National Freeway Within the Nantou Area” Road Materials and New Innovations in Pavement Engineering, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.223, June 9-11, 2011, pp.170-178. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1174-2) | EI |
Chen, T.T. | 2010 | Partnerships among Different Participants in Construction Industry of Taiwan: Critical Success and Failure Factors” Proceedings 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM2010), October 29-31, 2010, pp.1912-1917. (ISBN: 978-1-4244-6481-4) Print Version (978-1-4244-6482-1)CD-ROM Version | EI |
Chen, T.T., Hsu, Y. T. | 2010 | Research on the National Compensation Issues for the Provincial Highway Construction” Proceedings 2010 IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM 2010), October 29-31, 2010, pp.1207-1211. (EI) (ISBN: 978-1-4244-6481-4) (978-1-4244-6482-1)CD-ROM Version |
EI |
Chen, T.T., Kao, C. H. | 2010 | A study of identifying success variables for construction partnering via SEM framework” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, October, 2010, pp.629-636. (SCIE, EI) (ISSN: 1023-2796) | EI |
陳棟燦、張柏毅 | 2011 | 「運用VE 及TRIZ 方法論在交通工程專案之研究」,價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT)第十七期,第1~15頁。 | |
王和源、陳棟燦、楊茗西、洪義傑 | 2010 | 「應用價值工程 (VE) 及層級分析法 (AHP) 探討工程契約之評估」,價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT)第十六期,第1~16頁。 | |
Chen, T.T., Lu, C. | 2009 | A Study of Framework Developing of the Gymnasium Construction Partnering-The Building of Taipei Gymnasium for Example”台灣專案管理學會學刊第二卷第二期, Volume2, Number 2, June, 2009, pp.1-25. (ISSN: 1811-3821) | |
Chen, T.T., Hsu, Y. T., Wang, C.Y. | 2009 | Feasibility Analysis for Ecological Sustainability of Engineering Construction of the Express” Characterization, Modeling, and Performance of Geo-materials, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.189, August, 2009, pp.92-98. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844 -1041-7) | EI |
Chen, T.T., Hsu, Y. T., Wang, C.Y. | 2009 | ” A Correlation Study of the Existing Bridges for Failure Analysis-Case Study of Taichung County” Asphalt Material Characterization, Accelerated Testing, and Highway Management, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No.190, August, 2009, pp.173-180. (EI) (ISBN: 978-0-7844-1042-4) | EI |
Chen, T.T., Chang, J.R., Chen, D.H. | 2008 | “Applying Data Mining Technique to Compute Load Damage Exponent for Rutting Through Full Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing” International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2008, pp.227-246.(SCI). (ISSN: 1468-0629) |
Chen, W.T., Chen, T.T., Lin, Y.P. Lu, C. | 2008 | “Using Factor Analysis to Assess Route Construction Priority for Common Duct Network in Taiwan” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 2, June, 2008, pp. 77-89. (SCIE, EI). (ISSN: 1023-2796) | SCI, EI |
Conference papers
Author | Year | Publication | Conference |
陳棟燦、王耀庭、許力心 | 2017 | 「B2-1-運用結構方程模式於營建業職業安全衛生之研究」,第B2-1-1~ B2-1-14頁。 | 2017營建工程與管理學術研討會,國立雲林科技大學, |
陳棟燦、莊昀霖 | 2017 | 「整合失誤樹與貝氏網路於橋樑工程破壞分析之研究」。 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會,國立金門大學, |
陳棟燦、岳婷瑜、郭建亨 | 2016 | 「整合失誤樹與貝氏網路於橋梁工程墜落職災之研究-以預鑄預力節塊吊裝工法為例」。優秀論文獎 | 2016營建工程與管理學術研討會,國立成功大學 |
陳棟燦、何佩舉、郭建亨 | 2016 | 「結合價值工程與TRIZ於浮動碼頭之研究-以小三通浮動碼頭為例」, | 2016工程永續與土木防災研討會,國立高雄第一科技大學, |
陳棟燦、高志瀚、洪瑜雯 | 2015 | 「結構方程模式分析營建專案關鍵成功因素之研究」 | 2015 (第19屆) 營建工程與管理學術研討會,國立高雄應用科技大學, |
陳棟燦、陳建叡、薛名偉、蔡在福、黃志團 | 2015 | 「整合價值工程與萃智方法於金門候車亭之研究」, | 2015系統性創新研討會暨第七屆中華系統性創新學會年會,國立臺北科技大學, |
Chen, T.T., Chang P.Y. | 2014 | Application ARIZ Methods for Improving Railway Turnouts Wear | The 5th International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI) |
陳棟燦、何佩舉、林伯儒 | 2014 | 營建專案關鍵成功因素之研究-因素分析與複回歸分析 | 2014 (第18屆) 營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
陳棟燦、張柏毅、岳婷瑜、吳克展 | 2014 | 運用價值工程於郵局物料申請作業提升效益 | 2014大中華系統性創新研討會暨第六屆中華系統性創新學會年會 |
高志瀚、陳棟燦、簡宏志 | 2013 | 以賽局理論觀點分析營造廠商分包訂價影響關鍵因素 | 2013土木與生態工程研討會, |
陳棟燦、高志瀚、陳文光 | 2013 | 金門地區水貧乏指數之探討 | 2013土木與生態工程研討會 |
陳棟燦、陳維東 | 2012 | 營建專案工地配置輔助系統之研究 | 中國第六屆全國高校院長&系主任會議 |
陳棟燦、高志瀚 | 2012 | 營建業合作管理關鍵成功因素之研究 | 2012土木與生態工程研討會 |
陳棟燦、翁嘉聖 | 2012 | A-3應用價值工程於新建工程周邊地坪鋪面規劃設計-以金門大學工學館為例 | 2012 大中華系統性創新研討會暨第四屆中華系統性創新學會年會 |
高志瀚、陳棟燦、範冰輝 | 2011 | 兩岸建築市場合作伙伴評選模式探討 | 2011年第二屆海峽兩岸土木工程建設與管理研討暨地震模擬振動台台陣試驗技術交流會 |
陳維東、陳棟燦 | 2011 | 價值工程研析專案之績效評估 | 2011年第二屆海峽兩岸土木工程建設與管理研討暨地震模擬振動台台陣試驗技術交流會 |
陳棟燦、徐耀賜 | 2011 | 以羅吉斯特迴歸分析探討橋梁損壞相關影響因素之研究 | 2011營建管理研討會 |
陳棟燦、翁嘉聖 | 2011 | 應用TRIZ方法提昇VE創意階段之創新效益 | 第三屆系統性創新研討會年會 |
陳棟燦、高志瀚、黃世碩 | 2011 | 台灣海峽兩岸營建夥伴關係關鍵成功因素之研究 | 2011年(第15屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
高志瀚、陳棟燦、範冰輝 | 2011 | 建構中國營造市場兩岸營造合作伙伴評選模式—以中國施工企業觀點 | 2011年(第15屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
Chen, T.T., Hsu, Y. T. | 2010 | Road Construction Lead to the Issue of National Compensation. | Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2010) |
Chen, T.T., Wang H.Y. | 2010 | Applying VE Methodology to the Planning Stage of High-Story Building | The 1st International Conference of Systematic Innovation (ICSI-2010) |
Chen, T.T., Feng-yi Wu | 2010 | Explore critical factors for partnering in the Taiwanese construction industry | Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2010) |
Chen T.T., Chang P.Y. | 2010 | Combine VE and TRIZ Method to Apply Construction Project for Innovate and Improve | Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Value Engineering (ICVE 2010) |
Chang P.Y., Chen T.T. | 2010 | Research of VE and TRIZ Integration Methodologies on Improvement of Construction Project Innovation | 日本43回VE全國大會 |
陳棟燦、王和源、曾雅莉 | 2009 | 公園委託經營模式管理協力關係之研究 | 第十三屆營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
高志瀚、陳棟燦 | 2009 | 臺灣營造廠進入中國大陸營造市場模式與合作策略探討 | 第十三屆營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
陳棟燦、王和源 | 2009 | VE 應用於建築規劃階段之研究 | 2009兩岸系統性創新研討會暨實務解題研習會 |
Chen, W.T. Chang, P.-Y., Chen, T.T., and Mortis, L. | 2008 | Identifying Critical Failure Factors of Partnering for Taiwanese Construction Projects, | Eleventh East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction(EASEC-11) |
陳棟燦、曾雅莉 | 2008 | 公部門委託經營管理模式夥伴關係之研究-高雄市公園為例 | 2008年海峽兩岸學術研討會 |
王和源、宋明山、陳棟燦、孫凡 | 2008 | 私人企業應用夥伴關係於營建專案之分析及比較-以加油站興建工程為例 | 第十二屆營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
Chen, W.T.,*Chen,T.T. | 2007 | Critical Success Factors for Construction Partnering in Taiwan, | International Journal of Profect Management |
Chen, D.H., Chen, T.T., Scullion, T. | 2006 | Integration of field and laboratory testing to determine the causes of a premature pavement failure. | Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering |
陳棟燦、呂謙 | 2007 | 營建業不同參與者對合作管理關係之研究 | 2007營建管理研討會論文集 |
王和源、陳棟燦、孫凡 | 2007 | 私人企業工程部門之價值工程研析推動計劃之探討 | 中華民國營建工程學會第四屆營建產業永續發展研討會 |
王和源、陳棟燦、曾雅莉 | 2007 | 高雄市捷運沿線公園再造之價值工程研析 | 中華民國營建工程學會第四屆營建產業永續發展研討會 |
陳棟燦、張柏毅 | 2005 | 價值工程應用在雲嘉南濱海國家管理處 | 價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT)第九期 |
陳棟燦、陳維東 | 2005 | 由賽局理論分析夥伴關係之策略性均衡 | 2005年海峽兩岸大學校長會議暨科學技術研討會 |
陳棟燦、張柏毅 | 2004 | 價值工程應用在金門機場擴建工程 | 價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT) 第七期 |
陳棟燦 | 2002 | 價值工程在營建工程課程規劃之應用 | 價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT)第三期 |
陳棟燦 | 2001 | 價值工程研析與資訊技術現況初探 | 價值管理(VALUE MANAGEMENT) 第一期 |
陳棟燦、楊恭汪 | 2000 | 集集地震震害原因之初步探討 | 第四屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會 |
陳棟燦、謝德和、鄭顯欽 | 2000 | 建築物鋼筋工程界面管理初步探討 | 第四屆營建工程與管理研究成果聯合發表會 |
陳棟燦、洪秀媛 | 2000 | 金門特有傳統建築之建造與維護系統性研究 | 八十九年度大專學生參與專題研究計畫 |
高志翰、陳棟燦 | 1999 | 複合化工法之預鑄度決策與工程整合管理研究 | 中華民國第一界營建管理學術研討會 |
陳維東、陳棟燦、何晉禎 | 1999 | 從社會成本探討道路改善工程的發包模式 | 營建管理季刊秋季刊 |
榮譽與獎勵 1. 服務於工程界期間,協助公司獲得各種獎項 優良營造獎 全國建築金獎(全國不分區,不分類別第一名) 國家磐石獎(營建類別全國第一家) 2. 服務於金門大學期間,獲得各種獎項 105年受聘中華價值管理學會第8 屆學術委員會主任委員(105.7.01~107.6.30)105受聘2016工程永續與土木防災學術研討會副主任委員暨學術委員104受聘2015 (第19屆) 營建工程與管理學術研討會學術委員(2015.07.03)104-105中國土木水利工程學會南部分會委員(104-105) 104受聘2015 (第19屆) 營建工程與管理學術研討會學術委員(2015.07.03) 104學年度獲頒國立金門大學教師研究傑出獎 104年榮獲中華價值管理學會最佳論文獎– 陳棟燦、張柏毅「運用VE 及TRIZ 方法 論在交通工程專案之研究」 104.04.30 104學年度國立雲林科技大學營建工程系傑出校友 104年受聘衛生福利部金門醫院採購案件審議委員會外聘委員(104-105) 104年受聘金門縣營造業審議委員會委員(104-105-107) 103年受聘中華價值管理學會第7 屆學術委員會委員(103.4.18~105.4.17) 103年受聘中華價值管理學會第7 屆評獎委員會委員(103.4.18~105.4.17) 103年學年度獲頒國立金門大學教師研究傑出獎 103年遴選為台灣科技大學校友總會金門分會會長(103-105) 103年受聘金門縣建築師懲戒委員會委員(103-107) 102年台中高工第六屆傑出校友 (75周年校慶) 陳棟燦、高志瀚、陳文光,「金門地區水貧乏指數之探討」, 2013土木與生態工程研討會, 義守大學,2013/05/31,高雄,第C3*1~9頁。(ISBN: 978-986-6456-31-2 ) (本文評定為優秀論文獎) 陳棟燦、高志瀚,「營建業合作管理關鍵成功因素之研究」,2012土木與生態工程研討會, 國立高雄應用科技大學,2012/06/01,高雄,第809~815頁。 (本文評定為優秀論文獎) 陳棟燦、徐耀賜,「以羅吉斯特迴歸分析探討橋梁損壞相關影響因素之研究」,2011營建管理研討會,國立嘉義大學,September, 23, 2011,嘉義,A-2-7第1-8頁。(ISBN: 978-986-02-9156-8) (本文評定為佳作論文獎) 96年度獲頒國立金門技術學院傑出表現獎 95年度獲頒國立金門技術學院傑出表現獎 95年度獲頒國立金門技術學院服務績優獎 94年度獲頒國立金門技術學院傑出表現獎 證照 土木工程技師 IPMA Level D & Level C Construction Project Management Certified Trainer 萃智創新士種子講師認證 MA TRIZ Certification Level 1,Level 2,Level 3 專案管理師Level D和Level C 甲級廢水處理員 乙級建築工程管理技術士 勞工安全衛生管理員 |