Tung-Ching Su
Office: Engineering 117
Tel: 886-82-313527
Cell: 886-939317586
E-mail: spcyj@nqu.edu.tw
Ph.D. Department of Civil Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2007.
Department of Civil Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2002.
Department of Civil Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, 2000.
Post Doc. Researcher, Environmental Restoration and Disaster Reduction Research Center, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
Research Interests:
Remote Sensing, Environmental Monitoring, Infrastructure Inspection, Artificial Intelligence.
Course Taught:
Introduction to Computer Science, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Foundation Engineering, Aerial Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Sewerage Rehabilitation and Management
Journal papers
Author | Year | Publication | Index |
蘇東青,許承揚 | 2016 | 水域防溺暨救溺執行成效關鍵因子分析 ,災害防救科技與管理學刊 。5:49-72 | |
蘇東青 | 2013 | 污水管線CCTV 檢視影像資料品質提升, 地下管道 。29:7-16p | |
蘇東青、楊明德、吳東諺、黃凱翔 | 2011 | 污水下水道檢視影像品質分析, 中國土木水利工程學刊。23:111-118p | EI |
楊明德、蘇東青、徐松圻、吳東諺 | 2009 | 污水下水道管線檢測維修流程, 土木水利。36(4):1-6p | |
楊明德、蘇東青、楊曄芬 | 2005 | 草嶺地區土石流潛勢調查與評估, 中華水土保持學報。36(3):301-312 | |
楊明德、黃東森、蘇東青 | 2003 | 污水下水修復本估算, 中國土木水利工程學刊。15(4): 93-106p。 | EI |
Author | Year | Publication | Index |
Tung-Ching Su | 2017 | A study of a matching pixel by pixel (MPP) algorithm to establish anempirical model of water quality mapping, as based on unmannedaerial vehicle (UAV) images, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (2017) 58, 213-224 | SCI |
Tung-Tsan Chen, Tung-Ching Su | 2017 | Fuzzy-based decision-making applied to performance evaluation in value engineering, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (2017) 40(3), 200-206 | EI、SCI |
Ming-Der Yang, Yi-Ping Chen, Tung-Ching Su, Yu-Hao Lin | 2017 | Sewer pipe defects diagnosis assessment using multivariate analysis on CCTV video imagery, Urban Water Journal (2017) 14(5), 475-482 | SCI |
Tung-Ching Su | 2016 | A filter-based post-processing technique for improving homogeneity of pixel-wise classification data, European Journal of Remote Sensing (2016) 49, 531-552 | EI、SCI |
Yu-Hao Lin, Yi-Ping Chen, Ming-Der Yang, Tung-Ching Su | 2016 | Multiobjective Optimal Design of Sewerage Rehabilitation by Using the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II, Water Resources Management (2016) 30(2), 487–503 | EI、SCI |
Tung-Ching Su, Hung-Ta Chou | 2015 | Application of Multispectral Sensors Carried on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to Trophic State Mapping of Small Reservoirs: A Case Study of Tain-Pu Reservoir in Kinmen, Taiwan, Remote Sensing (2015) 7(8), 10078-10097. | EI、SCI |
Tung-Ching Su, Ming-Der Yang | 2014 | Application of morphological segmentation to leaking defect detection in sewer pipelines, Sensors (2014) 14(5), 8686-8704. | EI、SCI |
Ming-Der Yang, Yeh-Fen Yang, Tung-Ching Su, Kai-Siang Huang | 2014 | An efficient fitness function in genetic algorithm classifier for landuse recognition on satellite images, The Scientific World Journal(2014) 264512. | SCI |
Tung-Ching Su | 2013 | Application of computer vision to crack detection of concrete structure, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (2013) 5(4), 457-461. | |
Yang, Ming-Der, Ji-Yuan Lin, Chia-Yao Yao, Jen-Yan Chen, Tung-Ching Su, Chyan-Deng Jan | 2011 | Landslide-induced levee failure by high concentrated sediment flow — A case of Shan-An levee at Chenyulan River, Taiwan. Engineering Geology, Vol.123, P. 91-P. 99. | SCI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Tung-Ching Su, Tsung-Chiang Wu, Ji-Yuan Lin | 2011 | Morphological segmentation based on edge detection for sewer pipe defects on CCTV images. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.38,pp.13094-13114 | SCI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Tung-Ching Su, Nang-Fei Pan and Yeh-Fen Yang | 2011 | Systematic image quality assessment for sewer inspection. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.38,pp.1766-1776. | |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2009 | CCTV Image quality assessment for sewer inspection. Expert Systems with Applications. (SCI, IF=2.596, in review) | SCI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Tung-Ching Su, Nang-Fei Pan and Pei Liu | 2009 | Feature extraction of sewer pipe defects using wavelet transform and co-occurrence matrix. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing. (SCI, IF=0.5, accepted) | SCI |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2009 | Segmenting ideal morphologies of sewer pipe defects on CCTV images for automated diagnosis. Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 36, pp.3562-3573. (SCI, IF=2.596) | SCI |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2008 | Feature Extraction of Sewer Pipe Failures by Wavelet Transform and Co-Occurrence Matrix. in Proceeding of International Conference Wavelet And Pattern Recognition 2008. Hong Kong | EI |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2008 | Automated diagnosis of sewer pipe defects based on machine learning approaches. Expert Systems With Applications, Vol 35, No. 3, pp 1327-1337 doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.08.13. (SCI, IF=1.177) | SCI |
Yang, M.D., J.Y. Lin, T.C. Su, and Y.F. Yang | 2008 | Fuzzy Estimation of Trophic State Using Satellite data. 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence Proceedings, Hong Kong, pp2117-2122 | EI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Chan-Hsiang Hsu, and Tung-Ching Su | 2007 | Optimal cluster numbers of unsupervised classification in Minkowski spaces, in 2007 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote sensing Symposium. | EI |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2007 | An optimization model of sewerage rehabilitation. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. 30(4), 651-659p. (SCI, IF=0.183) | SCI |
Yang, M.D., T.C. Su, C.H. Hsu, K.C. Chang, and A.M. Wu | 2007 | Mapping of the 26 December 2004 tsunami disaster by using FORMOSAT-2 images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 28, Nos 13-14, pp3071-3091. (SCI, IF=0.987, EI) | SCI,EI |
Yang, Ming-Der, and Tung-Ching Su | 2006 | Automation model of sewerage rehabilitation planning, Water Science and Technology, Vol 54, No 11-12, pp225-232. (SCI, IF=1.240, EI) | SCI,EI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Tung-Ching Su, and Yi-Ping Chen | 2005 | Priority evaluation of sewerage rehabilitation by AHP. In Optimizing Pipeline Design, Operations, and Maintenance in Today’s Economy (edited by Vipulanandan and Ortega), American Society of Civil Engineers. Virginia. 523-537p. | EI |
Yang, Ming-Der, Chan-Hsiang Hsu, and Tung-Ching Su | 2005 | DBI and SI as fitness in GA classification for SPOT4 satellite imagery, in 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote sensing Symposium, 3741-3744p. | EI |
Conference papers
Author | Year | Publication | Conference |
楊明德、蘇東青、吳明軒、鄭永欽 | 2004 | 3S在防災科技之整合應用 | 第二十三屆測量學術及應用研討會 |
楊明德、蘇東青、林佑昌 | 2005 | 汙水下水道管線缺失特徵粹取 | 九十四年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會 |
楊明德、蘇東青、林佑昌 | 2005 | 應用小波轉換及共生矩陣萃取污水管線不同缺失之特徵 | 第二十四屆測量學術及應用研討會 |
楊明德、洪蜜琪、許展祥、蘇東青 | 2005 | 利用基因演算法和類神經網路於衛星影像分類之研究 | 2005台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 |
楊明德、蘇東青、蔣忠成、楊炳詳 | 2006 | Web-GIS於災害管理之應用_以南投縣防災資訊網為例 | 2006台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 |
楊明德、謝孟勳、蘇東青、吳昆恩 | 2009 | 污水下水道最佳化維修成本估算 | 2009營建管理研討會 |
楊明德、蘇東青 | 2009 | 下水道檢視影像品質評估 | 九十八年電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會 |
蘇東青、陳世植 | 2010 | 以邊緣偵測為基礎進行汙水管線缺失形態萃取 | 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會 |
蘇東青、許智傑 | 2011 | 利用光譜-空間分類法對高光譜影像分類改善 | 第三十屆測量及空間資訊研討會 |
蘇東青、李穎亮 | 2012 | 影像處理技術於混凝土結構裂縫自動化偵測 | 2012 土木與生態工程研討會 |
許智傑,蘇東青 | 2012 | 光譜-空間分類法結合低通濾波器於高光譜影像辨識 | 第31屆測量及空間資訊研討會 |
蘇東青*,李宗祐 | 2013 | 應用電腦視覺輔助瓷化黏土汙水管線缺失偵測 | 2013 (第17 屆)營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
陳俊彥,蘇東青* | 2014 | 應用地面光達掃描系統進行結構物裂縫量測 | 2014工程永續與土木防災國際研討會 |
許承揚,蘇東青* | 2014 | 防溺暨水域救援執行成效關鍵因子分析 | 2014臺灣災害管理學會年會暨研討會 |
周嘉偉,蘇東青* | 2015 | 金門居民對淹水災害識覺及調適行為之研究 | 2015臺灣災害管理學會年會暨研討會 |
陳威仁,蘇東青* | 2016 | 金門地下水資源三維空間測圖與脆弱度量化分析 | 第九屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨2016 海峽兩岸地下水與水文地質應用研討會 |
周嘉偉,蘇東青* | 2017 | 金門易淹水地區居民災害識覺與調適行為之研究 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
蘇東青*,陳煜文 | 2017 | 無人機多光譜感測技術於土壤含水量測圖之研究 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
陳冠雄、蘇東青、徐安、陳恩霆、朱宇晴、黃聖裕、鄒宜孜、黃有利、陳裕中 | 2017 | 建立古蹟得月樓之易損曲線 建立古蹟得月樓之易損曲線 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
江士豪*,蘇東青 | 2017 | 基於無人載具多光譜影像建構小型水庫質測圖之研究 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
Research Projects:
Author | Year | Publication | Conference |
Tung-Ching Su | 2017 | Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing System (UARSS)-Derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to Soil Moisture Mapping | The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment |
Tung-Ching Su | 2014 | Segmentation of crack and open joint in sewer pipelines based on CCTV inspection images | 2014 3rd International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering |
Tung-Ching Su | 2013 | Application of computer vision to crack detection of concrete structure | ICCEM 2013: 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials |
Su,T.C. | 2012 | Spectral-spatial classification to pattern recognition of hyperspectral imagery | 2012 International Conference on Digital Image Processing |
蘇東青 | 2011 | 應用影像處理技術進行污水管網檢視 | 第二屆海峽兩岸土木工程建設與管理研討會暨地震模擬振動台台陣試驗技術交流會 |
Yang, M.D., T. C. Su, N. F. Pan, P. Liu | 2010 | Sewerage rehabilitation planning | The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. |
Yang, M.D., T. C. Su, T. Y. Wu and K. S. Huang | 2010 | No-Dig Inspection Technologies for Underground Pipelines | 2010 Workshop on Trenchless Technology in Taiwan. |
Yang, M.D., T. C. Su, S. S. Lin and Y. F. Yang | 2009 | Systematic inspection of sewer pipe defects | in Proceeding of The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition |
Yang, M.D., K.S. Huang, Y.C. Liu, C.H. Hsu and T.C. Su | 2008 | Reservoir eutrophication assessment using multi-temporal satellite imagery | in Proceeding of Symposium of Sustainable Water and Soil Environment, National ChungHsing University |
Yang, M.D., C.C. Lin, S.C. Chen, and T.C. Su | 2007 | A Web-GIS disaster management system applied in central Taiwan | 2nd International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction |
Yang, Ming-Der, Hsichin Hsieh, Rueyder Wang, and Tung-Ching Su | 2007 | A runoff forecast system for Jhuoshuei River basin | in Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium on Flood Forecasting and Management with GIS and Remote Sensing |
Yang, Ming-Der, and Tung-Ching Su | 2007 | Application of Web-GIS to Disaster Management System | n Proceeding of Taiwan Russian Joint Symposium on Natural Hazard Monitoring, Risk Management and Reduction (ed by Yang) |
Author | Year | Publication | Publisher |
Yang, Ming-Der and Tung-Ching Su | 2009 | FORMOSAT-2 images in mapping of south Asia tsunami disaster (Chapter 12) | Remote Sensing of Coastal Environments |