Chih Han Kao
Associate Professor
Office: Engineering 108
Tel: 886-82-313515
Cell: 886-920551455
Chih-Han Kao received the B.S. degree, the M.S. degree and the Ph.D. degree in Construction Engineering from National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1990, 1992 and 2007
Engineer, Engineering Department, Sun Long Construction Cooperation, Taiwan. 1994
Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan. 1990
Quality Controller, Tung Yao Ready Mixed Concrete Batching Plant, Taiwan. 1985
Research Interests:
Construction Management
Data Mining embedded Neural Networks.
Data Mining embedded Network Analysis
Maintaining work of traditional architect
Precast concrete
Construction Automation
Pricing embedded Game Theory
Course Taught:
Risk Management, Engineering Contract and Code, Construction Planning and Quality Management, Construction Method, Engineering Drawing, Engineering Material
Journal papers
Author | Year | Publication | Index |
高志瀚 | 2003 | A Model of Financial Credit Rating for Construction Contractors | 中國土木水利工程學刊 |
Ching-Hwang Wang, Chih-Han Kao, Chia-Chang Tsai | 2007 | Improving Network Learning Performance Using an Interactive Adjusting Algorithm | WSEAS Transactions on Computers 2007 |
Chih-han Kao, Chih-Han Kao, Chin-Hwang Wang | 2006 | A Neural-Based Model for Financial Credit Rating of Contractors | Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology 2006 |
Ching-Hwang Wang, Chih-Han Kao, Wei-Hsien Lee, | 2007 | A New Interactive Model for Improving the Learning Performance of Back Propagation Neural Network | Automation in Construction 2007 |
Ching-Hwang Wang, Chih-Han Kao(Corresponding Author) | 2009 | Multi-Clustering Centers Approach to Enhancing the Performance of SOM Clustering Ability | Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2009. |
Tung Tsan Chen, Chih- Han Kao | 2010 | A Study of Identifying Success Variables for Construction Partnering via SEM Framework | Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2010. |
Chih- Han Kao, Shu-Chien Hsu, Zheng-Han Huang, I-Hung Tsai | 2015 | Success Factors for Taiwanese Contractors Collaborating with Local Chinese Contractors in Construction Projects | Journal of Business Economics and Management
2015 |
Chih-Han Kao, Chien-Chih Wang, Her-Yung Wang | 2017 | A neural-based predictive model of the compressive strength of
waste LCD glass concrete |
Computers and Concrete, 2017 |
Conference papers
Author | Year | Publication | Conference |
高志瀚 | 1999 | A Case Study of Decision Making for Degree of Precasting Compose Construction Method and Intergate Management | 第一屆營建管理學術研討會 |
高志瀚,王慶煌,李威憲 | 2007 | 以多聚類中心觀念提昇SOM模 式之聚類分析績效 |
第十一屆營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
高志瀚,蔡乙弘,範冰輝 | 2010 | 營造市場合作伙伴評估策略模式探討—以廈門、福州、台灣三地為例 | 2010營建管理研討會 |
陳國瑋, 高志瀚 | 2010 | 應用類神經網路建構建築物火災財物損失預測模式—以金門縣為例 | 建築學會2010第22屆第2次建築研究成果發表會 |
高志瀚,陳棟燦,範冰輝 | 2011 | 建構中國營造市場兩岸營造合作伙伴評選模式—以中國施工企業觀點 | 2011營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
吳嘉祐 |
2011 | 金門地區營建業經營策略分析 | 2011全球商業經營管理學術研討會 |
陳棟燦,高志瀚,陳文光 | 2013 | 金門地區水貧乏指數之探討 | 2013工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
高志瀚, 陳棟燦,簡宏志 | 2013 | 以賽局理論觀點分析營造廠商分包訂價影響關鍵因素 | 2013工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
蔡於恩 |
2014 | 建築資訊模型於傳統建築木架構評估維修工法與建置整合性資料庫之應用 | 2014工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
高志瀚,何重光, 黃正翰 | 2015 | 以專業能力分析發展傳統建築維修工程協同作業管理建築資訊系統資料庫 | 第19屆營建工程與管理學術研討會 |
李禮專 |
2015 | 台灣地區中長跨距跨海橋梁主橋橋型方案評選模型實務初探 | 2015工程永續與土木防災國際研討會 |
高志瀚 | 2016 | 以社會網絡分析鑑別傳統建築維護工程關鍵資料可行性探討 | 2016工程永續與土木防災研討會 |
高志瀚,張育綸,洪仁健 | 2017 | 金門縣污水下水道工程工期延遲關鍵因素量化分析 | 2017工程永續與土木防災研討會 |